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Thursday 23 July 2015

The Pacific Ring Of Fire

What is Pacific ring of fire? How the volcanoes are formed?  The Pacific ring of fire is a horseshoe shaped and is a boundary of the Pacific plate where almost dangerous active volcanoes are located. And it is an area where almost geological events occur like powerful volcanic eruptions, frequent earthquake and tsunamis. The Ring of Fire stretches from New Zealand all the way across the coast of North and South America. There are more than 450 active and dormant volcanoes located within the Ring of Fire.
Volcanoes are formed because of these 2 theories that scientists believed. The first theory is the Plate tectonic theory wherein scientists believed that the internal heat from the earth needs to escape and  the heat goes up to the crust. And when the heat goes up to the crust, the heat breaks the plates apart at the spreading centers and it creates a movement called subduction. Subduction is a convergent movement whereby dense ocean plates collide with and slide under the lighter continental plates. As the seafloor along with the Carbon 12 slides continuously on the continental plates, the rocks in it melts and forms a magma that needs to escape and find vents. Researchers finds an evidence that subduction really happens just like the Carbon 12. This material can only be found on dead animals on the seafloor just like Phytoplankton’s. The second theory is the Hot spots wherein scientists believed that Hot spots are areas deep within the Earth’s mantle from which heat rises. This heat facilitates the melting of rock in the brittle, upper portion of the mantle. The melted rock, known as magma, often pushes through cracks in the crust to form volcanoes.
With the formation of volcanoes, there are natural calamity occurs in the Pacific ring of Fire. The majority of Earth’s earthquakes occur in the Ring of Fire, too. These earthquakes are caused by the lateral or vertical movement of rock along plates. About 81% of the world’s largest earthquakes have occurred along the Ring of Fire. And also, Almost 80 percent of tsunamis occur within the Pacific Ocean’s ‘Ring of Fire’. This is due to the amount of earthquake and volcanic activity in the area, which occur due to the tectonic shifts in the earth’s plates.

Therefore, I conclude that the Pacific Ring of Fire is an area where safety first is a must because Volcanic eruption , tsunamis, and Earthquakes occur in this place. The volcanoes all around the world not only in the Pacific ocean are difficult to form but when it forms, millions and millions of live are lost because of these things. That’s why different government in the countries that surrounding the Pacific Ocean also the other countries that are away of the Pacific Ocean are getting ready for natural disasters might occur in the near future. We should not depend on the safety preparedness of the government but we too should be prepared also in time of these natural calamities.